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Global Scope

Activities Scope

The Group's activities and accomplishments are many over the years. It has provided a consistent and constructive voice for industry relative to natural resource liability regimes in the US, Europe and worldwide. It has established longstanding and distinctive relationships with government in the US (federal, state and tribal), the EU (European Commission, Member State Authorities) and elsewhere (United Nations Environment Program), allowing for ongoing dialogue and practice exchange outside of site-specific matters. As a result, the Group has undertaken meaningful activities both within the Group and with stakeholder partners.


Continuous Leadership

Some of the ways the Group has exempflied its leadership and expertise concerning natural resource liability, management, restoration, optimization are:

  • providing leadership to companies to think about natural resource issues in a fresh and broad context, including inventive approaches and cutting-edge solutions;
  • developing and refining Best Practices in both the US and Europe;
  • establishing, in 1999, an Industry/Trustee Standing Committee to serve as a focal point and a clearinghouse for communications between the industrial community and government departments and agencies;
  • convening seminal meetings, Symposia, seminars and briefings for the purpose of practice exchange and state-of-the-art advancment;
  • facilitating coordination of industry-wide positions on regulatory and policy proposals;
  • identifying non-regulatory approaches to natural resource other issues;
  • serving as a resource and catalyst for the industrial community including via key business/industry associations;
  • and more.

Ongoing Exchanges

The Group has prepared and widely distributed White Papers, Issues Papers and other documentation on a variety of legal, policy, regulatory, scientific, economic and other issues related to the natural resources practice arena and it has sponsored development of manuscripts for subsequent publication in legal and technical peer-reviewed journals.

In addition, the Group has convened a series of Symposia, Best Practice Seminars, Workshops, Briefings and other Meetings within industry and with the broad stakeholder community in an effort to facilitate dialogue, encourage practice exchange and promote best practices. See HERE for a few examples of our recent meetings and featured speakers.

A select compendium of key activities undertaken by the Group in the US and in Europe may be viewed HERE and HERE by way of example.